Follow the Zilla Quickstart to discover some of what Zilla can do!
Running locally
This quickstart runs using Docker compose.
The setup.sh
script will:
Configured Zilla instance with REST, SSE, gRPC, MQTT protocols configured
Create Kafka topics
Start a gRPC Route Guide server
Start a MQTT message simulator
Setup with a bitnami Kafka cluster
Setup with a Redpanda cluster
KAFKA_VENDOR_PROFILE=redpanda ./setup.sh
alternatively with the plain docker compose command respectively
docker compose --profile kafka --profile init-kafka up -d
KAFKA_VENDOR_PROFILE=redpanda docker compose --profile redpanda --profile init-redpanda up -d
Using this quickstart
You can interact with this quickstart using our Postman collection
Generating combined zilla.yaml
yq '.' *-zilla.yaml > zilla.yaml
The teardown.sh
script will remove any resources created.