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Zilla Composite Bindings

Zilla Composite Bindings

Composite bindings provide the ability to configure multiple bindings at once. A composite binding is used when multiple Zilla bindings are needed to define a common interface. Composite bindings will use sensible defaults and are designed to reduce the configuration complexity.

OpenAPI and AsyncAPI

The Zilla config uses many of the same parameters as the public and open-source interface definition languages OpenAPIopen in new window and AsyncAPIopen in new window. Services and tools are available to describe your existing APIs and infrastructure using OpenAPI and AsynceAPI definitions. This enables more consistent documentation, versioning, and code generation. Using the openapi and asyncapi composite bindings enables the use of existing interface specs to configure Zilla.

Zilla leverages the interface definitions in these specs to generate the necessary zilla.yaml config to implement the defined services. Zilla doesn't generate code that needs to be maintained. Instead, it generates the underlying components necessary to implement a functioning interface. This means both common and complex use cases are implemented easily with Zilla.


Zilla implements the RESTful APIs defined in the openapi binding. A REST Kafka proxy is configured using the openapi-asyncapi binding. The Kafka configuration is defined with an asyncapi client binding.



Zilla implements Event-Driven APIs defined in the asyncapi binding. A Kafka proxy is configured using the asyncapi proxy binding. The Kafka configuration is defined with an asyncapi client binding.
