gRPC Kafka Proxy
gRPC Kafka Proxy
The Zilla gRPC Kafka Proxy lets you implement gRPC service definitions from protobuf files to produce and consume messages via Kafka topics.
Zilla can be the gRPC server, routing a service method's request and response messages to and from Kafka topics, or Zilla can fanout messages from a Kafka topic to multiple gRPC clients using the grpc-kafka and kafka-grpc bindings in a zilla.yaml config. Additionally, Zilla can sit on the critical path between a gRPC client and server. They can communicate as if they are talking directly to each other, while Zilla actually proxies the messages through Kafka.

Key Capabilities
gRPC-to-Kafka Mapping
Zilla supports all four gRPC service method definitions. Zilla enables seamless integration between gRPC services and Kafka by translating gRPC calls into Kafka messages. Each gRPC method maps to a specific Kafka topic, where:
- Unary RPCs translate to a request-response model using Kafka topics.
- Server streaming RPCs publish messages to a Kafka topic that clients can consume.
- Client streaming RPCs allow messages to be sent continuously to Kafka topics.
- Bidirectional streaming RPCs map to multiple Kafka topics for both sending and receiving messages.
Correlated Request-Response
Zilla manages the synchronous request and response messages of a gRPC service. Request and response messages are correlated by a zilla:correlation-id
header, providing an identifier for both Zilla and Kafka workflows to act on.
gRPC Metadata
Zilla supports gRPC metadata, allowing additional context to be passed between gRPC clients and Kafka. This metadata is mapped to Kafka headers, ensuring that authentication and authorization details can be forwarded, custom headers in gRPC calls are preserved when transmitting through Kafka, and Kafka consumers can utilize metadata for processing messages appropriately.
Message Filtering
Zilla provides message filtering capabilities, enabling selective consumption of Kafka messages based on specific criteria. This allows gRPC services to subscribe only to relevant messages, Kafka consumers to process specific message types efficiently, and enhanced performance by reducing unnecessary message delivery.
Reliable Delivery
Clients can fetch some or all messages from a single Kafka topic using a route with the fetch capability by creating a service definition with an Empty
request type and the topic message as the response type. Zilla sends an event ID with every message serialized as an unknown field in the payload. Messages can be identified without field collision, and the client doesn't need to acknowledge the message receipt explicitly. A client consuming the stream of messages can remember the event ID. In the event, the stream gets interrupted. The client can reconnect with a last-event-id header to recover without message loss or needing to start over from the beginning.
Zilla supports caching to optimize performance and reduce redundant processing. This caching mechanism stores frequently requested data to minimize latency, reduces redundant Kafka queries by caching responses, and improves efficiency in high-load environments.
Kafka Consumer Groups
The kafka-grpc remote_server
binding will create a consumer group. It creates one consumer per named binding in a zilla config. The format of the consumer group ID is zilla:<zilla namespace>-<binding name>
. Scaling the number of Zilla instances with the same configuration will add each new Zilla instance as a member of the same group. Using different Zilla namespace
s or adding multiple bindings will create different consumer groups.
The grpc-kakfa does not create consumer groups. Instead, the binding fetches messages from a topic the same way for all connected clients. Clients can filter messages received using filters like adding the desired Kafka message key in the idempotency-key
header. The client can track and recover progress through the stream using reliable delivery.
Use Cases
Real-Time Event Processing
Many applications require real-time event processing to handle continuous streams of data efficiently. Using gRPC with Kafka and Zilla enables seamless message exchange and event-driven processing, ensuring scalability and reliability in distributed systems. For example, a ride-hailing system Taxi Demo can use this setup to manage ride updates, driver availability, and trip status changes efficiently. Using gRPC with Kafka and Zilla enables seamless message exchange and event-driven processing. Kafka acts as the message broker, ensuring scalability and reliability, while Zilla provides protocol mediation between gRPC services and Kafka topics. This setup allows real-time ride updates, driver availability, and trip status changes to be efficiently processed and distributed across different system components.
High-Throughput Data Streaming
Many industries rely on high-throughput data streaming to process large volumes of information in real time. A gRPC-Kafka-Zilla architecture enables durable and scalable event distribution while facilitating seamless protocol translation. For example, financial market applications Vortex Demo leverage this setup to ensure real-time market data distribution, order book updates, and analytics. The architecture enables high-throughput data streaming from financial data providers to consumers. Kafka ensures durability and scalability of market data streams, while Zilla facilitates protocol translation, enabling seamless gRPC communication. This architecture supports efficient market data distribution, order book updates, and real-time analytics.

Access the gRPC Kafka example files here: gRPC Kafka Repository
Full gRPC kafka zilla.yaml Config
name: example
type: filesystem
path: proto/echo.proto
type: filesystem
store: tls/localhost.p12
type: pkcs12
password: ${{env.KEYSTORE_PASSWORD}}
type: tcp
kind: server
- 7151
- 7153
- when:
- port: 7151
exit: north_http_server
- when:
- port: 7153
exit: north_tls_server
type: tls
kind: server
vault: my_servers
- localhost
- localhost
- h2
exit: north_http_server
type: http
kind: server
- h2
policy: cross-origin
exit: north_grpc_server
type: grpc
kind: server
- subject: echo
- when:
- method: grpc.examples.echo.Echo/*
exit: north_grpc_kafka_mapping
type: grpc-kafka
kind: proxy
- when:
- method: grpc.examples.echo.Echo/*
exit: north_kafka_cache_client
capability: produce
topic: echo-messages
acks: leader_only
reply-to: echo-messages
type: kafka
kind: cache_client
exit: south_kafka_cache_server
type: kafka
kind: cache_server
- echo-messages
exit: south_kafka_client
type: kafka
kind: client
- kafka:29092
exit: south_tcp_client
type: tcp
kind: client
type: stdout
The above configuration is an example of a gRPC Kafka proxy. It listens on https port 7153 and will exchange grpc messages in protobuf format through the echo-messages topic in Kafka.
The gRPC Kafka Proxy can be constructed with three parts: the gRPC server, the gRPC-Kafka adapter, and the Kafka client. When the gRPC server receives a request, the stream is passed into a gRPC-Kafka adapter and then converted into a Kafka request.
The gRPC server consists of the following bindings: TCP Server, TLS Server, HTTP Server, and gRPC server. A TCP Server is required to open a specific port and allows inbound connection. A TLS server is optional but can be used to perform TLS encryption for HTTPS. The data stream is then passed to an HTTP server, which is also passed to a gRPC server.
The gRPC server binding needs HTTP server bindings since gRPC is a protocol that runs over HTTP.
The Kafka client consists of the following bindings: Kafka Cache Client, Kafka Cache Server, Kafka Client, and TCP Client. A TCP client is required to allow outbound TCP connections and a Kafka Client is used to connect to external Kafka services. Kafka Cache Client and Server are used for additional layers before direct connection to the Kafka client. These bindings add a caching layer and additional features to Kafka requests through Zilla.
The gRPC-Kafka adapter is used to convert gRPC-based requests into Kafka-based requests.
Other Examples: