Deploying Zilla Plus on AWS ECS Fargate
Deploying Zilla Plus on AWS ECS Fargate
The Zilla Plus is an enterprise-ready, Kafka-native edge, and service proxy. It is a flexible, secure, and reliable way of creating stateless, multi-protocol API entry points into your Kafka cluster for both native and non-native Kafka clients. With Zilla Plus, you can create publicly reachable Kafka endpoints into a Kafka cluster. You can also expose topics inside your Kafka cluster via declaratively defined REST, SSE, gRPC, and MQTT APIs.
This Guide will walk you through deploying your first Zilla Plus service on AWS ECS Fargate.
- An Amazon ECS cluster
- An Amazon ECR repository or another container repository
- A Subscription to the Zilla Plus product on Amazon Marketplace
Build The HTTP Echo solution FROM the Zilla Plus base image
This will create a container image with the necessary config files inside.
From the active Zilla Plus subscription page
- Click
Continue to Configuration
- Fulfillment option:
Zilla Plus
- Software version:
Select the most recently released version
- Fulfillment option:
- Click
Continue to Launch
- Copy and run the
login command from the Container images section to confirm you can pull the Zilla Plus container image. - Note the image name<version>
and one of the version tags stored in theCONTAINER_IMAGES
variable, which will be used later.
- Copy and run the
- Click
Create the below
with the Zilla Plus container image using the version tag you got from the previous steps. Use theCOPY
instruction to add thezilla.yaml
below to your container image.DockerfileFROM<version>-alpine COPY ./zilla.yaml /etc/zilla/zilla.yaml
zilla.yaml--- name: http-echo bindings: north_tcp_server: type: tcp kind: server options: host: port: - 7114 routes: - when: - port: 7114 exit: north_http_server north_http_server: type: http kind: server routes: - when: - headers: :scheme: http exit: north_echo_server north_echo_server: type: echo kind: server telemetry: exporters: stdout_logs_exporter: type: stdout
Optionally add files, any other files used in your
can be added to the container in the same directory as thezilla.yaml
config.COPY ./zilla.yaml /etc/zilla/zilla.yaml COPY ./tls /etc/zilla/tls COPY ./specs /etc/zilla/specs
Build your image to be pushed to Amazon ECR or another registry.
Before you build
- Make sure you are logged in to the
Zilla Plus
registry to pull the base image. This is a separate log in action from any other registries (ex. If you are pushing the built image to Amazon ECR).
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
- Confirm the CPU Architecture you need. Use the
docker build --platform
option to match the desired cpuArchitecture that you can configure in your ECS task.
docker build -t zp-example/http-echo:v1 .
- Make sure you are logged in to the
Tag your image with the remote repository name and tag.
docker tag zp-example/http-echo:v1 [your-registry-url]/zp-example/http-echo:v1
Push your image to your remote repository.
docker push [your-registry-url]/zp-example/http-echo:v1
Create an AWS ECS Fargate Task for your service
This will create the AWS ECS Fargate Task that will be used to deploy your service.
Create an IAM role for the Task. This role will be used by the running Zilla Plus container.
Task roleName:
AWSMarketplaceMeteringFullAccess AWSMarketplaceMeteringRegisterUsage
If you used the Amazon ECR as your image repository, create a role with the
permission and use it as theTask execution role
when creating the Task.Task execution roleName:
Create a new Task Definition from JSON
- Substitute
,<ecsTaskRole_ZillaPlus ARN>
, and<ecsTaskExecutionRole ARN>
for their respective values.
Task Definition JSON{ "family": "zilla-plus-http-echo-fargate", "networkMode": "awsvpc", "containerDefinitions": [ { "name": "zp-http-echo", "image": "<your-registry-url>/zp-example/http-echo:v1", "portMappings": [ { "name": "http", "containerPort": 7114, "hostPort": 7114, "protocol": "tcp", "appProtocol": "http" } ], "essential": true, "command": ["start", "-v", "-e"], "logConfiguration": { "logDriver": "awslogs", "options": { "awslogs-group": "/ecs/", "mode": "non-blocking", "awslogs-create-group": "true", "max-buffer-size": "25m", "awslogs-region": "us-east-1", "awslogs-stream-prefix": "ecs" } } } ], "requiresCompatibilities": ["FARGATE"], "taskRoleArn": "<ecsTaskRole_ZillaPlus ARN>", "executionRoleArn": "<ecsTaskExecutionRole ARN>", "cpu": "1 vCPU", "memory": "3 GB" }
- Substitute
Create a Service from your AWS ECS Fargate Task
This will create a service based on the configuration in the Task.
- Create a Service from your new task.
- Deployment configuration:
- Family:
- Service name:
- Family:
- Network configuration:
- Set the VPC to be the Same as your ECS Cluster.
- Select the Public subnets.
- Make sure the
Public IP
flag to true.
Open Service Ports
Make sure the security group allows traffic over the ports defined in the
of the service. Create
the Service.
Verify your service is running
This will call the service and get an echoed response.
Once the service has started with all tasks succeeding, you will see the Zilla Plus container log "started"
Get the Public IP of the running Task in your service.
Call the HTTP Echo service.
curl -d "Hello, world" -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -X "POST" http://[Task Public IP]:7114
Expected output:
Hello, world
In your Task logs, you will see a
log from the above request
Congratulations! You have successfully deployed your first Zilla Plus service using AWS ECS Fargate.