Zilla to Zilla-Plus Upgrade
Zilla to Zilla-Plus Upgrade
Upgrading from Zilla to Zilla-Plus is a seamless process, thanks to its self-contained and stateless architecture. This ensures minimal disruption while transitioning to the enhanced capabilities of Zilla-Plus.
Before proceeding with the upgrade, ensure you have:
- A Subscription to the Zilla Plus product on Amazon Marketplace
Supported Deployment Options
Zilla-Plus supports multiple deployment methods:
ECS Fargate (Docker Image)
To simplify deployment, we have curated templates for the following use cases:
However, if you have a specific use-case implemented on Zilla using custom zilla.yaml
or want to use your existing zilla
setup, you can upgrade Zilla service to Zilla-plus on AWS ECS Fargate.
Upgrade Process
To migrate from Zilla to Zilla-Plus, transfer your existing zilla.yaml configuration and related files to the Zilla-Plus container using the COPY instruction.
Copying a single configuration file:
COPY ./zilla.yaml /etc/zilla/zilla.yaml
Copying an entire configuration directory:
COPY ./etc /etc/zilla
Deployment on AWS ECS Fargate
For detailed deployment steps, refer to: Deploy Zilla-Plus on AWS ECS Fargate
Verify Your Service is Running
Once the service has started successfully, you should see the 'started' log message in the Zilla container logs.
Steps to Verify:
Retrieve the Public IP of the running Task in your service.
Send an HTTP request to the Echo service using the following command:
curl -d "Hello, world" -H "Content-Type: text/plain" -X "POST" http://[Task Public IP]:7114
Expected Output:
Hello, world
In your Task logs, you should see a
log entry for the above request.